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味滋廚房 Maisie BeBe: g3 (活能混合果汁) and Splash C with Aloe (蘆薈維C仙怡樂) gummy candy(橡皮軟糖)

2017年2月14日 星期二

g3 (活能混合果汁) and Splash C with Aloe (蘆薈維C仙怡樂) gummy candy(橡皮軟糖)

g3 gummy candy (G3活能混合果汁軟糖
g3 (活能混合果汁) and Splash C with Aloe (蘆薈維C仙怡樂) gummy candy(橡皮軟糖)


熟清水 50毫升

魚膠粉 20克

檸檬汁 2茶匙

粟膠 2湯匙

Splash C with Aloe (蘆薈維C仙怡樂) 做法和g3一樣.

*蘆薈維C仙怡樂內的量羹* 半羹(12g) +100ml 冷開水攪拌, 備用.


熟清水 40毫升
魚膠粉 20克
蘆薈維C仙怡樂 100毫升
檸檬汁 2茶匙
粟膠 2湯匙


1) 準備糖果矽膠模, 用冷開水沖洗乾淨.

2) 量好魚膠粉, 加入清水(室溫)並用叉子攪拌勻, 擱置5分鐘

3) 用隔熱水座溶法, 攪拌直到魚膠粉溶解。 (不要煮魚膠粉,因為它可以變得粘糊糊。不要讓魚膠粉坐得太久, 會凝固。)

4) 將100毫升G3超級果汁放入一個新碗中,加入2茶匙檸檬汁和2湯匙粟膠, 用隔熱水座溶法混合好。

5) 將G3混合物倒入魚膠粉碗中,充分混合。 (兩種混合物應該具有相似的溫度以避免任何結塊。混合物應該看起來清晰和充分混合.







g3 gummy candy

Boiled cold water  50ml

unflavored Gelatin 20 g

g3 superfruit juice 100ml

Lemon juice 2 tsp

Corn Syrup 2 tbsp

Splash C with Aloe gummy candy,

The whole processing steps is the same as g3.
***Splash C with Aloe (12g) + 100ml cold water mix well***


Boiled cold water 40ml

unflavored Gelatin 20 g

Splash C with Aloe 100ml

Lemon juice 2 tsp

Corn Syrup 2 tbsp

To make it:

1) Prepare the silicone mold, rinse with cold water.

2) Place 50ml cold water in a small bowl and sprinkle with 20g of gelatine while whisking with a fork. Set aside for 5 minutes or until spongy.

3) Stand the bowl in a heatproof bowl of hot water and stir until the gelatine dissolves. Never boil gelatine, as it can become stringy.Don't let the mixture sit too long or it will solidify.

4) Place 100ml of G3 superfruit juice in a new bowl, add 2tsp of lemon juice and 2 tbsp of corn Syrup mix well.

5) pour the G3 mixture into the gelatine bowl, mix well. Both mixtures should be a similar temperature to avoid any lumps. The mixture should clear and well-mixed, If not, microwave for another 10-15 seconds until the gelatin have Dissolve.

6) Slowly pour the gelatin into the cavities. Place the candy mold in the refrigerator to set the gelatin, for about 1 hours.

7) To remove the gummy, carefully remove starting around from the side, then push it out from the back of the mold.

8) Gummy can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator or at cool room temperature for several weeks.

Storing the Leftovers gummy candy?

Common prepared produced gummy candy have a number of chemicals and other ingredients that keep the gummy candy fresh for days after opening a package, but homemade gummy candy rappers ingredients. The best way to store any leftovers you have on hand is in the refrigerator. Toss the Gummy candy in a plastic sandwich bag or in a plastic container with an airtight lid and store in your refrigerator. If you find that the candies stick together, sprinkle a small amount of powdered sugar or cornstarch over the gummy candy and shake before storing.

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