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味滋廚房 Maisie BeBe: 藍莓檸檬杯子蛋糕 Lemon Blueberries Cupcakes

2014年11月5日 星期三

藍莓檸檬杯子蛋糕 Lemon Blueberries Cupcakes

藍莓檸檬杯子蛋糕 Lemon Blueberries Cupcakes

藍莓檸檬杯子蛋糕 Lemon Blueberries Cupcakes

藍莓加上檸檬的味道絕對是Best match!!! 又健康又好味喔!! 加上用新鮮的藍莓來做個小甜的 buleberries buttercream 真係好食到無朋友喔!! 來吧一起試做吧!!!

今次味滋也為了這藍莓檸檬杯子蛋糕配合上新鮮藍莓奶油,絕對係小甜健康的作品呢。媽媽的朋友超愛這個喔!! 可能藍莓貴得來又健康呀!!!hahaha 

藍莓檸檬杯子蛋糕 Lemon Blueberries Cupcakes

材料: (這份量可做 12 cupcake)

中筋麵粉 1-½ cups All Purpose Flour

泡打粉 1 tsp Baking Powder 

鹽 1/4 tsp Salt 

白砂糖 1/2 cup Granulated Sugar (小甜分量)

無鹽牛油 1/2 Cup Unsalted Butter, at room temperature (室溫軟化) 

雞蛋 2 Eggs 

牛奶 1/2 Cup Whole Milk 

鮮檸檬皮碎 2 tsp Freshly Grated Lemon Zest

檸檬汁 1 tbsp Fresh Lemon Juice

雲呢拿香油 1/2 tsp Vanilla Extract ( I always like to use LorAnn Butter Vanilla Emulsion)

鮮/雪藏藍莓 1 Cup Fresh/Frozen Blueberries 


預熱焗爐 350F(176C)

在容器內加入中筋麵粉+泡打粉+鹽 (如果用有鹽牛油那就不用加鹽) 一起篩過和攪勻備用。

另一容器內加入藍莓+ 1/4 cup 中筋麵粉, 用匙羹輕輕把麵粉完全塗在藍莓上備用。




最後把鮮/雪藏藍莓倒進糊內輕輕的 Fold In. 不能太大力, 不然會弄破藍莓喔!!


放入預熱350度的焗爐中焗 25分鐘,(都係個句:每家焗爐大少和溫度有別。第一次焗的朋友,自己要睇火捉緊時間)轉移到架上和完全冷卻就成了。

冷卻後就可以按個人喜歡做裝飾 buttercream/ cream cheese/ whipped cream 唧花. 今次味滋配合上新鮮藍莓奶油 Blueberries buttercream frosting.  

藍莓檸檬杯子蛋糕 Lemon Blueberries Cupcakes
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees, line a 12-piece cupcake tin with liners and set aside. 

In a small bowl, whisk together the flour, baking powder and salt, set aside.

In another small bowl, add in the blueberries and ¼ cup of the dry ingredients, mix them around with a spoon so that the blueberries are coated in the flour mixture, set aside.

In a large bowl, using a hand held whisk, cream together the butter and sugar, add the eggs and incorporate well. 

Add the vanilla, lemon zest and lemon juice and mix until it's all well incorporated. 

Add half of the dry ingredients and half of the milk to the wet and mix them in to combine but make sure you don't over mix. Add in the remaining dry ingredients and milk and mix to incorporate. 

Using a spatula, fold in the blueberry and flour mixture making sure not to break them up too much. 

Using a large ice cream scoop, divide your batter evenly in lined muffin tin. Bake for about 25 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center of a cupcake comes out clean. Let them cool completely on a wire rack.

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