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味滋廚房 Maisie BeBe: 免焗榛子醬芝士蛋糕 No-bake Nutella Cheesecake

2014年2月4日 星期二

免焗榛子醬芝士蛋糕 No-bake Nutella Cheesecake

免焗榛子醬芝士蛋糕 No-bake Nutella Cheesecake
免焗榛子醬芝士蛋糕 No-bake Nutella Cheesecake 

繼懶人版免焗芝士蛋糕後大受歡迎,現在新推出大家期待而久的免焗榛子醬芝士蛋糕出埸啦!! 口感就像食雪糕差不多,好滑好好味喔!! 想食好野又唔想焗?這個就最適合懶人的你們喔!! 喜歡 Nutella 和 Cheesecake 的朋友不能錯失, 快來試做和家人愛人分享吧!! 

免焗榛子醬芝士蛋糕 No-bake Nutella Cheesecake


Oreo 餅乾(刮去餡料) 12塊
Oreo Cookies 12pcs (crushed into crumbs) 

無鹽牛油(微波爐15-20秒先行融化) 4湯匙 
unsalted butter 4tbsp (microwave 15-20 sec, melted) 

忌廉芝士 250g(1盒)溫室軟化 
cream cheese 1 (8 ounce) package(softened) 

榛子醬 2/3杯 
Nutella 2/3 cup 

純雲呢拿香油 1茶匙
pure vanilla extract 1tsp 

凍淡忌廉,解凍 (whipped cream 做法按這)  約1Cup 滿
(例如 coolwhip 超市有售) 
frozen whipped topping, thawed 250g

裝飾可選(optional topping): 

*淡忌廉 whipped cream* 
*巧克力&榛子條 Chocolate & Hazelnut artisan rolled wafers*

*巧克力屑 Chocolate shavings* 

*烤杏仁碎 Toasted almond crunch* 

 *烤椰子碎 Toasted coconut crunch* 

*切碎的烤榛子 Toasted, chopped hazelnuts* 


用匙羹把Oreo 中間白色的餡料括出(喜歡甜的朋友可免括出餡料這動作), 再把Oreo 餅乾放入電動搞拌器搞碎, 倒進融解的 牛油拌勻。 (沒有電動搞拌器可用保鮮袋+柱型物例如:紅酒樽, 麵棍… 壓碎也成)

用匙羹把Oreo平均放入杯子內, 並用匙羹壓平表面備用。 


用橡皮刮刀,把凍淡忌廉fold in在混合糊中至無條紋



To make it:

In a medium bowl, stir together the Oreo cookie crumbs and melted butter. Evenly divide the crumbs between your individual serving dishes and press into the bottoms of the dishes to form a crust layer. 

In a large bowl, with an electric mixer, beat the cream cheese and Nutella until smooth. Add vanilla and mix to combine. Using a rubber spatula, fold in the whipped topping until well blended and no streaks remain. 

Evenly pipe or spoon the filling into individual serving dishes. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 3 hours before serving. 

If desired, garnish with additional whipped topping, chocolate shavings, and/or toasted, chopped hazelnuts, toasted almond crunch, toasted coconut crunch, chocolate & hazelnut artisan rolled wafers.

免焗榛子醬芝士蛋糕 No-bake Nutella Cheesecake
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