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味滋廚房 Maisie BeBe: 打淡忌廉做法 How to make basic whipped cream

2014年1月15日 星期三

打淡忌廉做法 How to make basic whipped cream

打淡忌廉做法 How to make basic whipped cream
打淡忌廉做法 How to make basic whipped cream:

打淡忌廉做法 How to make basic whipped cream

淡忌廉 whipping cream 1 cup
糖粉 powdered sugar / confectioners’ sugar /icing sugar 1-2 tbsp (不加也可以)


**1 cup 淡忌廉 whipping cream 可打出 2 cup 的 whipped cream。自己可因應需求來做和糖份量也一樣喜歡小甜的就可免放或放少一點喔!!
**如果不小心打過分了(overbeat) 不用擔心。您可以添加多一點淡忌廉 whipping cream 再打一回這樣可把它起死回生,但這一次一定要小心看好喔!!

***自製淡忌廉可放多久呢? ***
*自製淡忌廉可以持續在雪 2-3 天 *
*自製淡忌廉可以持續在冰櫃 2-3 個月*

Whipped Cream / Whipped Cream Frosting Recipe

whipping cream 1 cup
powdered sugar / confectioners’ sugar /icing sugar 1-2 tbsp (optional)


Into the freezer, place your whisk or whisk attachment, mixing bowl and measuring cup for 15 minutes. Also be sure that you cream is chilling in the fridge. Do not bring anything out until you are ready to begin. The colder things are the faster the whipping! Add the heavy cream to the mixer. With mixer on low gradually add the granulated sugar. Slowly turn the mixer up to medium high speed and beat until soft peaks form. At this point you can add in a flavoring / extract if you ' d like. Beat until firm peak are formed. Watch carefully and check if you're uncertain. You do not want to overbeat, as the cream will turn to butter. This can happen quickly, so watch over it. If it does happen. Don't worry You can add a little more cold cream and beat it back to life, but be careful this time. This whole process can happen very quickly with a stand mixer;! literally within a few minutes If using a hand mixer. a little more time may be necessary and if you're doing it by hand it could be a several minutes, so be ready for an arm workout! The key is to make sure everything is super cold, so the mixing time is as short as possible.

Kitchens Tips:

How long does whipped cream last?

Homemade Whipped Cream lasts for 2-3 Days in Refrigerator
Homemade Whipped Cream lasts for 2-3 Months in Freezer

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