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味滋廚房 Maisie BeBe: 無糖健康版- 無糖全麥香蕉核桃麵包

2013年9月4日 星期三

無糖健康版- 無糖全麥香蕉核桃麵包

 無糖健康版- 無糖全麥香蕉核桃麵包 
無糖健康版 - 無糖全麥香蕉核桃麵包 (sugar free whole wheat banana walnut bread) 

這個無糖健康版的麵包跟我上次做的香蕉核桃麵包( Banana walnut bread)有些少不同但做法都係一樣, 十分健康呀!! 

What you need: 

1/4 Cup butter, softened 
2 Eggs 
1 Cup sour cream 
1 Cup mashed fully ripe bananas ( about 3) 
2-1/4 Cup Whole wheat bread flour 
1-1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. baking soda 
1/2 tsp. salt 
1 Cup chopped walnuts
1 tbsp. Vanilla extract 

1/4杯 牛油,軟化 
2個 雞蛋 
1杯 酸奶油 
1杯 完全成熟的香蕉搗碎(約3) 
2-1/4杯 全麥麵粉 
1-1/2茶匙 泡打粉 
1/2茶匙 小蘇打 
1/2茶匙 鹽 
1杯 切碎的核桃
1湯匙 雲呢拿香油

To make it: 

Heat oven to 350F 
Beat butter and sugar in large bowl with mixer until blended. Add eggs, Vanilla extract and sour cream;mix well. Add bananas and combined dry ingredients; mix just until moistened. Stir in nuts. 
Pour into greased and floured loaf pan. 
Bake 1 hour or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool 5 min.; remove from pan to wire rack. Cool completely before slicing. 


牛油放入大碗裡,加入雞蛋, 雲呢拿香油和酸奶油攪拌勻。




 無糖健康版- 無糖全麥香蕉核桃麵包 
Kitchens tips: 

How to freeze overripe bananas? 

If bananas have turned brown and are too ripe to eat out of hand, don't throw them away. Peel and mash them, stirring in 1 tsp. lemon juice for each banana. Freeze in an airtight container for up to 6 months. Thaw the bananas puree in the refrigerator then use to make banana bread, banana cake or muffins.

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